Signing up

Please follow link below to join the Kipi community.

  • Sign up
  • Donate to a community member
  • Watch your dream grow
  • Log into your account every second day to check for messages

Type the link below into your browser to register… and Build your Dreams TODAY !


 Below are the steps to registering on kiki

1. Click on the log in button to begin as shown in the illustration below.

1. Register on Kipi

1. Register on Kipi


2.  The next step is to create a new account as is shown in the image below.

2. Create a new account.

2. Create a new account.


3. You will be asked to capture your dream. You can either do that now or you can leave it for after you have completed your registered.

  • An OTP number will be sent to your cell phone. Please note that you should keep this number safe and enter it into the system to activate your account when prompted to do so.
3. Capturing your dream

3. Capturing your dream


4.  Step 4: Proceed to the profile page and complete all required information.

4. Complete profile page

4. Complete profile page


5. In Step 5 you will be asked for your banking details. Please ensure these are entered correctly as you will be blocked from the system if they are incorrect.

5. Add banking details

5. Add banking details


6.  Add your dream in  Step 6. The system will prompt you to make a deposit into a community members account you have 3 days to do this. If the deposit is not made you will be blocked from the system. You then “Mark It As Sent”, otherwise you will once again risk your account being blocked. If the recipient of the money, does not “Approve” your transfer within 3 days they will risk their account getting blocked.

6. Add your dream

6. Add your dream



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